About Us

The Arizona Browncoats are a statewide social group, bringing together fans of Joss Whedon’s Firefly and Serenity. We have been growing since we first began to loosely organize in 2004, starting monthly shindigs in 2005, and incorporating into an Arizona non-profit organization in 2006.

Since it began in 2006, we have screened Serenity in theaters in both Tucson and Phoenix as part of a global charity movement known as Can’t Stop The Serenity. We have been an active fan group at Phoenix ComicCon for several years, as well as smaller local cons such as LepreCon, Wild Wild West Steampunk Convention, CopperCon, TusCon, and DarkCon. Attending these cons helps us raise awareness and money for our charitable events. Each month there are shindigs in both of our active cities where we gather to socialize and play board and card games.

In 2009, The Phoenix New Times voted the Arizona Browncoats as the “Best Geeks with a Cause.” We are proud of the title!

Arizona Browncoats Website:  http://azbrowncoats.org

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