"'Day' is a vestigial mode of time measurement, based on solar cycles. It's not applicable."
Our journey begins...
Fly, drive, mass transit, bike, or walk to our fair city, the Portland of Oregon, from near or far.
Whether you live on world or are traveling from across the 'verse, please stay with us at the glorious Historic Governor Hotel in downtown Portland.
Friday, October 2, 2009
5:00 P.M.
Registration opens in the Lodge Room of the Governor Hotel.
6:00 P.M. - 11:00 P.M.
On Friday evening, we'll kick off our merriment with Greet & Game,
located in the Library Room of the Governor. Guests will be provided with
food and a cash bar, along with all sorts of games to get to know your
fellow Browncoats, such as Apples to Apples, Fluxx (or perhaps Zombie
Fluxx), Cranium, and for those prepared to stay up all night, the Serenity RPG.
10:00 P.M - ?
Feel free to explore Portland after dark. Our exciting nightlife is always welcoming of new folks. Tells us your interests and we'll find the best spot for you!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
9:00 A.M.
Registration opens in the Lodge Room of the Governor Hotel.
If you're staying with us at the Governor, please take advantage of the conveniently located Starbucks in the lobby. Otherwise, the countless independent coffee shops and breakfast restaurants around town are available to you wherever you are staying.
TRACKS (choose one)
Depending on your interest, we've got three different tracks available for you to choose from.
Join Portlanders as we share with you our city's love affair with comics.
- Morning Activity
- In the morning, we will get a visit from an instructor from the Art Institute of Portland, who will show us the art of drawing the comic, plus give us a few pointers for beginners.
- Lunch
- Next, we'll shuttle to the suburb of Milwaukie to have lunch and talk with Serenity and Buffy comics editors Scott Allie and Sierra Hahn. They'll regale us with tidbits about working with Joss Whedon and the business of the comic, and then perhaps honor us with a tour of the Dark Horse Comics offices. While at Dark Horse, we'll also get a chance to shop at the very first Things From Another World comic shop. (Lunch included in ticket price.)
- Afternoon Activity
- Back in town, folks will have the opportunity to prepare for the evening's Ball with dance lessons that will include traditional waltz and tango, plus group dances similar to the one seen in "Shindig."
Browncoats will explore the areas of Portland that overlap with culture that influenced the worlds of Firefly and Serenity. This track will include both walking (up to four blocks) and use of Portland's Streetcar and light rail systems. We offer door-to-door van transportation as requested.
- Morning Activity
- First, we'll travel a just few blocks from the Governor Hotel to discover how folks lived in times of the frontier. The Oregon Historical Society Museum will help us understand how life on the Border planets was not dissimilar to how our state was settled.
- Lunch
- Next, we'll get to know the traditions of Portland's sister in China, Suzhou, by exploring the beautiful and serene Chinese Gardens, a serene environment in the middle of the hustle and bustle of downtown. Included in this activity is tea and a light lunch in the Teahouse.
- Afternoon Activity
- Finally, Browncoats can learn to dance in the fine tradition of the core planets. Waltz, tango and group dances may be on tap to prepare us for the evening's Ball.
If you've never been to Portland, here is your chance to see why we love it.
- Morning Activity
- Start the day by finding out what Portlanders really brag about. We'll spend the morning at Powell's Bookstore. Not Borders, not Barnes & Noble—this bookstore spans an entire city block and is stacked with books, new and used, five stories high. Whether you're in the mood to shop, drool over the immense collection in the sci-fi room, or just sit and read in the coffee shop, you'll find out why Portland truly loves this place.
Whether or not book shopping is your thing, you'll sure to be entertained by the 'verse-themed scavenger hunt we have planned for all who wish to participate.
- Lunch
- Around mid-day, we'll hop onto the MAX light rail for a quick ride to Widmer Brewery. This local distillery, opened by the Widmer brothers in 1984, has quickly grown to serve some of the most popular beers in Portland and the Pacific Northwest. After we learn about Portland's other great art—beer making—on a brewery tour, we'll sit together for lunch (on us!) and a cash beer bar.
- Afternoon Activity
- Feel free to explore Portland on your own this afternoon. However, if you need a little direction, please join as at the Portland Saturday Market. Every weekend, Oregon crafters are out in force showing off their wares. Saturday Market is a Rose City tradition. Here is your chance to shop, mingle with the hip and the strange, and take home a little piece of Oregon.
6:00 P.M. - 11:00 P.M.
The Browncoat Ball
Back at the Governor Hotel, Browncoats will gather in the Billiard Room for fine cuisine and an evening of music and dance. Remember to wear your pinkest ruffles, your hoopiest hoops, and your most rugged tuxes.
10:00 P.M - ?
Not only is the city open all night long, but so is our Conversation Room. Join us there or about town at our favorite haunts.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
As we recover from the previous night, we'll provide our guests with an eclectic breakfast made by the very hands of our own PDX Browncoats.
All Roads Lead to Powell's
Before you hop into your short- or long-range shuttles to planets near and far, join us one more time on a trip to our favorite place, Powell's Bookstore. If you missed it the day before or if you just needed a little more time to shop, we're happy to have any excuse to go back.
Page last modified: Thursday, 03-Sep-2009 16:27:06 CDT